Quigley to Switch on the Enlightenment for Seraphic Fire’s First Festival

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“‘The Enlightenment is really the beginning of the individual stepping out from the institution,’ said Patrick Dupré Quigley, the Miami choir’s artistic director, who will serve as guide as well as conductor through this week’s festival. ‘So the composer as well as the performer are stepping away from the church or the court and beginning to perform as individuals rather than as servants.’

“The ten-day festival, which takes place at churches across South Florida, will include four concert programs. The programs will include a semi-staged Handel opera, three of Bach’s suites for solo cello, songs by Haydn and works by several other composers, drawing from a musical era that’s often passed over in favor of the more grandiose works of the 19th and 20th centuries.” — South Florida Classical Review


Seraphic Fire’s Enlightenment Festival to focus on Haydn, Bach and Handel


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