Patrick Quigley Draws “Fiery Playing” From Seraphic Fire in New Enlightenment Festival Review


South Florida Classical Review’s Laurence Budmen wrote a glowing review of Patrick Quigley conducting Seraphic Fire’s program of Mozart, Martines and Haydn, saying “Quigley’s idiomatic leadership and the ensemble’s precision offered inspired support.” The program, which also featured James Reese and Nola Richardson, was part of Seraphic Fire’s recent “Enlightenment Festival” which recently took place in Ft. Lauderdale. Click the link below to read the full review now.

Nick Hart

I am a web developer and software engineer from the San Francisco Bay Area, with a background working in the entertainment industry as an SEO specialist/social media marketer. I studied full stack web development at UC Berkeley, and I am equally experienced working for small businesses, non-profits, and large corporations. 


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